Between the activities of the OPTICA Student Chapter, the company visits its listed. Hence, is always good to make a visit to our closest company in Kent, CAIRN Research.
The company chairman, Martin Thomas, previously visited the AOG labs, and following our conversation we initiated a visit to his company.

Martin (green t-shirt in the photo) guided the group into his labs, telling us how the company was settled in Kent and how they adapt to the necessities of the industry. Seems like it was a great adventure!
Jez Graham, CEO of Cairn Research, showed us some of the products that they developed for their customers. Completely customized products for their customers.
We really had a great experience during the visits, fascinating tools are the ones that they have. We wish them all prosperity and success in the following years! Hope that we can collaborate more in the future, and see more of our PhD Students in your company!