On Tuesday 24th of January, ‘The Big fair´´' was held by Kent Union at University of Kent to showcase a variety of societies they have to offer. As the Optica Student Chapter has recently become a society with Kent Union, a stall was held at this event for Applied Optics PhD students to share their activities and plans and to encourage interest in joining.
Being held in the University Sports Hall meant that everybody was protected from the cold outside, which made for a lovely environment for students to stroll around and see what’s on offer. Participants from the Optica Chapter included NETLAS PhD Students Alejandro Martinez Jimenez, Philipp Tatar-Mathes, Gopika Venugopal and AOG PhD Students Julien Camard, and Lucy Abbott.
To encourage visitors to the stall the chapter provided an array of sweet treats as well as a fun game. The game was in the form of a whiteboard maze, but with a twist. Participants were tasked with completing the maze whilst wearing prism glasses, inverting their vision. Each participant was timed and the fastest time won a prize on behalf of the student chapter.
Overall the day was very successful and all who were there appeared to have a great time promoting and talking about optics. The chapter looks forward to welcoming any new members who may arise from this event. Hopefully, some new faces will appear at the next event, being a board game social on the evening of the 26th!
A friend of the student chapter,
Carla Canedo Ribeiro, after
completing the maze game.
Photo by Julien Camard.PhD students Gopika Venugopal
and Lucy Abbott representing the
student chapter.
@Article by AOG PhD Student Lucy Abbott